Znak Politechniki Warszawskiej

1st InterBioMed Young Scientists Forum

On behalf of the organizing committee, We kindly invite you to participate in the 1st InterBioMed Young Scientists Forum that will be held in Warsaw, Poland, on 14-15 October 2019 at Centre for Advanced Materials and Technology (Cezamat), Poleczki 19 Street, 02-822 Warsaw.

The objective of the forum is to provide an inspiring two-day program that includes the state-of-the-art in the field of biomedical engineering. The aim of the forum is to promote interactions between pre- and post-doctoral scientists.  A broad communication platform for the biomedical multi-disciplinary community will enable researchers, clinicians and industry participants to exchange and disseminate the recent scientific discoveries and research activities in the field of biomedical engineering. Broad plenary lectures will be complemented by invited keynotes and topical sessions, as well as special sessions organized for scientific clubs and industrial partners.

List of invited Key speakers: 

List of invited companies:


No fee is required. 


All Participants are invited to Social meeting: "Young Scientists Night" at student's bar "Żaczek" close to Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering building. 


Contact: interbiomed.pw@gmail.com

Schedule (pdf, 257,00 kB)